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Writing on the wall

I think I am done

I think I am done writing. It’s not helping me really anymore. I suppose the past writing spurts were my frustrations from certain events that were created by other certain people in my life. The events they created around me were scaring me, and frustrating me. Now I am left with bad memories that pretty much changed my life and way of thinking. I am 52 I don’t know if I will accomplish any of my dreams. I have to concentrate on maintaining my health and mental health. So I think I won’t be achieving any of my dreams, but I am pretty much surviving life. It really sucks too. I wanted to see so many places and photograph my travels. I wanted to network with “certain people” and  be on friendly terms with certain people. But I am pretty much isolated from anyone. I tried to reach out in my community and I joined a local art gallery. The people there are stand offish and I know better than try to force myself on others.


I can’t eat today until after 2pm. I have a liver ultrasound at 2:15pm. So no eating. My blood work was off for the third time in a row, so that prompted my doctor to order an ultrasound on my liver. I am hoping its only precautionary. I do worry about every aspect of my blood work these days. So that’s what life is like to be just in a survival mode.

Social Security

I don’t ask for much in life. I don’t ask much from my parents. I would love to have a cockateel as a pet. My dad won’t let me have one in his house. At one point I did want lots of stuff in life. Now that I am 52, I just want fairly ok health, to retain my eyesight, and to remain mobile. Simple things that maybe some people take for granted. I think that if more people just were content with having all their body parts, being able to walk and have good eyesight, there would be less people out  there causing crimes to rob people of items. I think if people thought like me there would be less people doing bad things to others in attempting to rob people of things. If I got my Social Security after my hearing with the judge on October 10th, 2024 I would be content. I worked for that money, and its mine. I am only asking for my Social Security a little early.

Chris Trott

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