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We missed each other

I am sorry we missed each other. I hope we  do meet one day. Maybe you will reach out to me again? I may try Ingalls again. I also like visiting the coy fish mornings at my local library. I hope you are not upset at me. I think I pulled back out of fear. I am not the most confident in face to face meetings. Sorry about that. I was not being rude. I understand there was an effort on your part. I am grateful for that effort. I am trying to put myself in your shoes.  Also I am trying to understand events that were focused on me. I still think about things almost daily.  Certain events have changed me and it’s an itch I cannot scratch. Some mornings I goto my local library. I know I can’t force anyone to do anything. It seems that certain people know a whole heck more than I do. I will be receptive in a more relaxed environment. Ill keep my eyes open. You most likely know my area. I will attempt to be out in public rather in my basement.

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