Social Media is dead
Social Media sucks
Twitter now X is broken. I feel that Elon was instructed to buy Twitter and break it so that the common person has no real voice. I used to try and promote my body of photography on Twitter. Instagram is also stupid. Face Book was reserved for actual people I once knew from High School and Grade School. That also is not getting any feedback from any of my posts. I feel most of the decent people have left social media and are on to doing more interesting things with their lives. I am still on social media because its free and I have no money to do anything or go anywhere interesting. As of today, I stopped posting my photography on Twitter. It is pretty much pointless. I still have this website and also, I suppose if anyone wants to find where I am, I can be located at this website.
Interaction from the Internet
I have been unsuccessful in gaining any audience via the Internet. I had for over 20 years, not one comment or email from that site. Only spammers. With this website I have had 17 years. Maybe one comment over that time period. I suppose my writing is not too interesting. Maybe my body of photography is not all that great. I do write blog posts to this website, but mainly for myself. Since I am waiting Social Security Disability and have no money, writing on this blog is a free exercise and a chance for me to create. Also I would hope that writing my posts on this website helps my writing skills.
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