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Kinda depressed
October 14, 2024

Kinda depressed

I have been depressed lately On October 10th I had my Social Security Disability hearing over the phone. I managed to annoy the judge. So that did not go well for me. I hope I still get my disability. I…

October 9, 2024


Having lots of stuff I don’t live under a rock and I am aware of people of wealth that I see on TV. I suppose I am amazed at how one person can amass so much wealth in the same…

October 7, 2024


I was raised Lutheran My father was and still is religious. When I was a kid, my whole family went on Sunday morning to our St. Paul Lutheran Church in Dolton, Illinois. I never really liked going and found the…

Hopes and dreams
October 6, 2024

Hopes and dreams

My future As I have been repeating on this website in my blog posts. My past had some pretty strange events happen. These events were not of my doing. Outside people and groups of people were focusing their efforts to…

My new routine
October 2, 2024

My new routine

My medications and my diet So I am a pretty big guy. Last doctor’s visit I weighed in at 318lbs. I am unhealthy fat. I suppose since I got hooked on computers out of college, I let myself go. I…

Fatty liver
October 1, 2024

Fatty liver

Fatty and enlarged liver So I got the report back from my ultrasound I took the other day. Fatty and enlarged liver. So I am bummed out about that information. I am fat, 318lbs at recent doctor’s visit. So I…

Can’t change the past
September 29, 2024

Can’t change the past

I will stop whining I had one feedback comment from someone who seemed to want to give me strong and fair feedback on this website. I have whined about certain things on this site. In a previous post I said…

Newer panoramas
September 26, 2024

Newer panoramas

Some re edits of older images Since I have not  been shooting new images, I go back into my files and find older panoramas that I can use and combine with elements of other images I have taken. I call…

Writing on the wall
September 25, 2024

Writing on the wall

I think I am done I think I am done writing. It’s not helping me really anymore. I suppose the past writing spurts were my frustrations from certain events that were created by other certain people in my life. The…

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