My diabetes
Recent bloodwork
The doctor went over my bloodwork over the phone with me the other day. I first was alerted that I was diabetic in August 2021. Back then my A1C was 7. 7 is what some people call the “golden number”. It’s when a person is diabetic but does not have any damage to diabetes. Since August 2021, I have been misbehaving with my diet. I do tend to slip up every so often. The second to last A1C reading was 7.5, now my latest A1C reading is 7.2. My doctor said that my blood work is good and has improved a bit. So that pleased me. I will have to exercise I know this. I simply find it hard to find the motivation to exercise. I am on two diabetic medications. Metformin and Trulicity. I inject myself every Friday morning. Recently my doctor has increased my Trulicity dosage. I get my complete blood work and urine done every three months to keep an eye on my A1C and liver enzymes. The doctor also mentioned no proteins were detected in my urine, so that indicates no kidney damage due to diabetes. My kidney function is 100. Very good kidney function. That also was pleasing.
My diet
At one point I did lose weight following the Keto diet. Lean meats, no processed meats and foods. Low carbohydrates, no sugars. Just lean meat, vegetables, fruits, water. I lost 50 lbs following the Keto diet at one point. Currently my diet is less strict. I have to start back towards the Keto diet again. I do drink lots of seltzer water. I drink well over 8 glasses of water a day. Since a few years I gave up colas and diet colas. I also gave up alcohol. I only have three beers every so often. I do like the taste of a refreshing beer.
I am paying attention
I am paying attention to my health ever since becoming diabetic. I don’t want to make my diabetes worse and I want to keep my health, mobility and eyesight so that one day I can enjoy myself traveling and documenting my travels with photography. For years I have not been able to travel and I am hoping in the second part of my life, I will be able to travel and see the rest of the United States, and Europe. I simply want enough funds to be able to travel. It would be great if I could get introduced to a person or group of people that like to travel so that I could travel with the group. Currently I have to stay with my parents and try and help them. I am grateful and thankful that my eye sight is near perfect at 52 years of age. Life is fragile, I don’t think some people understand how fragile life is. My elderly parents lives are fragile, my current and remaining good health is fragile. I am thankful that my diabetes is not that bad. Even though I can be depressed a bit and can’t travel yet, I try to be grateful for little things. Or big things like my remaining good health, my mobility my eyesight and more positive mental events.
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