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I have been housebound

Ever since the COVID

Even though the COVID pandemic is pretty much history, I have not taken a single photo for four years. These days after all the strange events in my past, I have  been staying in the house. I am a guild member of the Union Street Gallery in Chicago Heights. I show my work there and are there for receptions. I also get out to my local Lansing library. I go there to visit the lonely coy fish and see if my “one true friend” will reach out to me again. On this website I mainly talk about the strange events of my past. I have not moved on from them. I should be out taking new photos and filling this website with new work. However, I fill this website with writings of things of my past. The missed opportunities and other things.

New photography

Eventually, when I get off my lazy ass, I want to go out in the country at night and take more “light painting” photography. Light painting is taking a high power flashlight and theater gels to shine different colors on a subject. I also have a green laser pointer that I can use to create lights in my photos. Eventually when it gets warmer, I will start taking new photos.

Watching my bloodwork

What I have been doing is watching my blood work. Since I became diabetic, I have been watching my A1C levels. Currently as of the last blood work, my A1C is 7. My triglycerides are high, and I am trying to get those down. So mainly doing old man stuff to maintain my health. I am still upset that I am diabetic. But it happened and I have to make sure I keep an eye on it and take my metformin twice a day. I try not to eat bad foods. Also I am trying to lose more weight. I am currently stuck at 308lbs.

Chris Trott

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