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I give up

I am tired of failing at finding galleries that would display my photography. My main goal and idea was that I would get more exposure with my body of photography and I would be able to network and maybe make a few new friends. I was part of  an art gallery in Chicago Heights, Illinois. However they don’t include photography in too many of their shows. It is hard, for me, to really find any galleries. I think it’s hard for anyone to insert themselves into a clique of people. It is just awkward for me.

I will continue

I will continue to produce new images in the future. Ill update this website and my other photography websites. Also will add to my Blue Sky and Face Book accounts. Currently I am stuck in the Chicagoland area and I am out of ideas for new and exciting photos.

It’s hard

I feel that at the age of 52 for me its hard to meet and network with new people. I think maybe I will just continue to live a quiet life that is pretty much isolated from outside people. Maybe its for the best that I am isolated from others.

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