Happy 2025
At home with the parents
My New Years Eve was the same as it always has been. At home with the parents. We had pizza this year. I never really liked going out on NYE. Driving that night is a real no no for me. I feel there are many amateur drunk drivers out that night also there are lots of cops looking for these drunks. So I don’t want to be mixed up in anything on the roads that particular night. Also going downtown to Chicago for the night costs lots of money. Also I have no face to face friends to go downtown with. So those factors keep me safe at home that night. I love my parents so it was ok eating pizza and later having champagne with them.
My hopes for the new year
Well I hope that my parents remain healthy and mobile and mentally “with it”. My parents are most important to me. I try to help them around the house. I hope I get my SSID. I have been waiting for over 5 years. It would be helpful to get my Social Security a little early. I am going to try to get out of the house more and try to figure out what social events I can goto. I may volunteer somewhere to be involved in things with people in 2025. I have to figure out what place I want to volunteer at. I am also going to keep going to my doctor and watching my diet and what I eat. I want to try and lose more weight. I will also keep going to my mental health appointments. I may go back to Ingalls Hospital for group therapy sessions that they have there. Maybe I can connect with people in group therapy. Group therapy has helped me in the past.
I hope that things get better
I hope that things get better in the new year. People doing bad things and hearing about the bad things they do on the news is really a drag. It’s just depressing hearing about all the bad things that are being done to people. I did not vote for the next president of the United States. I feel he is a criminal. He should not be president but he should be in prison. However I hope that programs like Social Security, Healthcare, Medicaid and Medicare are not eliminated or cut. I worry about this next president and what he and his cohorts may do in this country. We shall see. I voted for a woman twice. I voted for Hillary and also Harris. I feel Harris would be more predictable and professional. But I guess millions of people in the United States did not see that. I will be watching what this admin does.
My one true friend
I hope to meet a person that was referred to me as “my one true friend”. I don’t know how to get in contact with this person, but I am grateful they reached out to me once before. I hope they will reach out one more time in 2025. I will keep my eyes open.
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