Artists or marketers
I am unknown
I am unknown as a photographer. For years I tried promoting my body of photography on Twitter and other social media platforms. There is too much content up on social media to even get anyone to notice you. So I do have my body of photography on this website. My website gets some traffic, but not too much. I accept that I have no real audience, Ill still keep taking photos.
It’s a shame
Once a person or group or whatever get’s famous and rich and popular, I feel they become marketers more than artists. It is a shame when that happens. However I am also trying to market my photography, but I am just not successful. I suppose if I were to be successful with my photography and graphics, I would be marketing my content fully as well. I suppose being a modern artist and being a marketer goes along the same lines.
I tried but failed
I tried first by posting my photography to social media, it failed. I can’t even sell any prints. I have tried to reach out to local, Chicagoland galleries. No one wants to have any part of my artwork or me. I feel excluded. It sucks, because I think I have some talent. I have not taken any new photos in 5 years. This is before COVID hit. The other day I picked up my DSLR camera and I started charging the batteries. Ill eventually go out in the country and take new photos. I am creating my artwork for me, and only me. Not for anyone else. Creating art keeps me sane and its satisfying to create images. I will simply add my new body of photography to this website or my other websites everyonehatesme.com and everyonehatesme.net.
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